Shower screen

Deluge panels are basically sturdy, hard-wearing and waterproof wall cladding 
designed for installation in shower stalls or areas.

The best inexpensive, fashionable corner shower back wall as a highlight in the bathroom

“Extraordinary design with special savings potential” is how the corner shower back wall from LivingCasa can be aptly described. The possibility of turning complete corner showers into an eye-catcher while still covering old tiles with porous connection joints “watertight” is only one of the major advantages of corner shower walls.

Cheap corner shower back wall Zen
cheap corner shower back wall Zen Moriv

It doesn’t matter whether a new bathroom is being built or renovated, because the savings potential with an eye-catching guarantee is guaranteed here.

With the inexpensive corner shower walls, two design elements are butt jointed together so that a seamless connection is achieved. Without any joints, except for the corner joint, on the load-bearing wall surface.

Depending on the application requirements, we have a wide variety of raw materials and an abundance of inexpensive corner formats on offer for you. If you want a special corner shower back wall format, then get in touch with us and enjoy our non-binding advice from our competent staff.



Corner shower walls – Advantages:

  • Unique & seamless appearance.
  •  Problem-free processing (drilling, sawing & cutting)
  •  Highest scratch resistance
  •  Water-repellent sealing of the wall surface
  •  Material thickness 3mm, 4mm, 6mm
  •  Inexpensive different corner formats



Originally posted on 30. April 2021 @ 21:12


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